The North Carolina Deer & Elk Farmers Association is a non-profit organization representing elk and deer farmers in the state of North Carolina.
Mission Statement
- To promote the business of raising and marketing whitetail deer, elk and other cervidae in the State of North Carolina.
- To provide educational opportunities for members of the association and other interested people through the sharing of information concerning whitetail deer, elk and other cervidae.
- To serve as a collective voice in governmental issues that affect whitetail deer, elk and other deer producers, so as to enhance this industry.
- To work with the NCDA and USDA, in regards to animal welfare within the deer and elk farming industry.
- To promote high ethical standards in the care, handling and harvesting of whitetail deer, elk and other captive deer.
- To require members of the association to operate in a legal, honest and forthright manner with its fellow members, other deer and elk producers and the general public.
- The NCDEFA will continue to work diligently to improve our great cervid industry within our state and expand opportunities' for its membership to prosper in the future.